In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil (Old Norse language) is a tree of life, a giant tree tree are very large and sacred that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology. At the branch located Asgard, Vanaheim and Alfheim. In the trunk located the human world called Midgard, which Jotunheim (the world of giants) are also in the vicinity, and underneath lies Nidhavellir also called Svartálfheim. The three roots penetrating the three worlds are named Hel, Niflheim, and Muspelheim, although only the first world earn springs Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil appears in mythology Ragnarok. In the mythology, only two men who managed to escape from Ragnarok, named Lif and Lifthrasir, taking refuge in the branches of Yggdrasil. Where they live from moisture and protected by the tree.
Selasa, 13 November 2012
Yggdrasil (Bahasa Indonesia)
Dalam mitologi Nordik, Yggdrasil (bahasa Norwegia kuno) adalah pohon kehidupan, pohon raksasa yang sangat besar dan keramat yang menghubungkan sembilan dunia dalam kosmologi Nordik. Pada cabangnya terletak Ásgard, Vanaheim, dan Álfheim. Pada batangnya terletak dunia manusia yang bernama Midgard, yang mana Jötunheim (dunia para raksasa) juga berada di sekitarnya, dan di bawahnya terletak Nidhavellir yang juga disebut Svartálfheim. Ketiga akarnya menembus tiga dunia yang bernama Hel, Niflheim, dan Muspelheim, meskipun hanya dunia pertama yang memperoleh mata air Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil muncul dalam mitologi Ragnarök. Dalam mitologi tersebut, hanya dua manusia yang berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari Ragnarök, bernama Lif dan Lifthrasir, yang berlindung pada cabang Yggdrasil. Dimana mereka hidup dari embun dan dilindungi oleh pohon tersebut.
Yggdrasil muncul dalam mitologi Ragnarök. Dalam mitologi tersebut, hanya dua manusia yang berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari Ragnarök, bernama Lif dan Lifthrasir, yang berlindung pada cabang Yggdrasil. Dimana mereka hidup dari embun dan dilindungi oleh pohon tersebut.
Sabtu, 10 November 2012
Wayang Golek (English Language)
(Wayang Golek or Marionette Puppet) |
The origin of the wayang golek is not known for certain because there is no complete information, whether written or oral. Attendance of wayang golek can not be separated from the wayang kulit (shadow puppet) because wayang golek is a progression of wayang kulit.
Birth of wayang golek was initiated by Dalem Karang Anyar (Wiranata Koesoemah III) at the end of his tenure. At that time, he ordered Ki Darman that live in Cibiru, Ujung Berung, to make puppets out of wood. Forms of puppets made originally shaped flat and patterned on the shadow puppets. However, the further development, at the instigation of Dalem, Ki Darman made rounded wayang golek, not much different from the wayang golek now. In Priangan itself known at the beginning of the 19th century. Introduction of Sundanese people with wayang golek is possible since the opening Daendels highway linking the coast with the mountainous Priangan.. Originally wayang golek in Priangan using the Java language. However, after the Sundanese smart performer, the language used is the sundanese language.
Wayang Golek (Bahasa Indonesia)
(Wayang Golek) |
Asal mula wayang golek tidak diketahui secara jelas karena tidak ada keterangan lengkap, baik tulisan maupun lisan. Kehadiran wayang golek tidak dapat dipisahkan dari wayang kulit karena wayang golek merupakan perkembangan dari wayang kulit.
Kelahiran wayang golek diprakarsai oleh Dalem Karang Anyar (Wiranata Koesoemah III) pada masa akhir jabatannya. Waktu itu Dalem memerintahkan Ki Darman yang tinggal di Cibiru, Ujung Berung, untuk membuat wayang dari kayu. Bentuk wayang yang dibuatnya semula berbentuk gepeng dan berpola pada wayang kulit. Namun, pada perkembangan selanjutnya, atas anjuran Dalem, Ki Darman membuat wayang golek yang membulat tidak jauh berbeda dengan wayang golek sekarang. Di daerah Priangan sendiri dikenal pada awal abad ke-19. Perkenalan masyarakat Sunda dengan wayang golek dimungkinkan sejak dibukanya jalan raya Daendels yang menghubungkan daerah pantai dengan Priangan yang bergunung-gunung. Semula wayang golek di Priangan menggunakan bahasa Jawa. Namun, setelah orang Sunda pandai mendalang, maka bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Sunda.
Kamis, 08 November 2012
Japanese Honorific
San is the most commonplace honorific, and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. almost universally added to a person's name, in both formal and informal contexts.
Chan is used (but is not limited) to babies, young children, grandparents and teenage girls. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, close friends, any youthful woman, or between friends. It can be used for males in some circumstances, but in general this use is rather condescending or intimate. Using chan with a superior's name is considered to be condescending and rude.
Bō is another diminutive that expresses endearment. Like "chan", it is used for babies and young children, but is exclusively used for boys instead of girls.
Kun is used by persons of senior status in addressing or referring to those of junior status, or by anyone when addressing or referring to male children or male teenagers, or among male friends.
Sama is a markedly more respectful version of san. It is used mainly to refer to people much higher in rank than oneself, toward one's customers, and sometimes toward people one greatly admires.
Senpai is used to address or refer to one's senior colleagues in a school, a dojo, sports club.
Sensei is used to refer to or address teachers, doctors, politicians, lawyers, and other authority figures.
Shi is used in formal writing, and sometimes in very formal speech, for referring to a person who is unfamiliar to the speaker, typically a person known through publications whom the speaker has never actually met.
Selasa, 06 November 2012
Korean Honorific
Nim : A formal way of addressing someone typically older and / or more respected then you
Ssi : A formal way of addressing someone you do not know or are unfamiliar with
Nuna : A friendly way of addressing an older woman near your age if you're a guy
Hyung : A friendly way of addressing an older man near your age if you're a guy
Unni : A friendly way of addressing an older woman near your age if you're a girl
Oppa : A friendly way of addressing an older man near your age if you're a girl
Ajumma : Older woman typically aged between mid/late 30's - early 50's. Calling someone younger than mid 30's this is rather offensive
Ajussi : Older man typically aged between mid/late 30's - early 50's. Korean men, especially those in their 30's , prefer to be called hyung / oppa by those younger than him rather than Ajussi
Sunbae : Used to address senior colleagues or mentor figure, e.g. students referring to or addressing more senior students
Hubae : Used to refer to juniors.
Naeuri : Was used by commoners in the Joseon Dynasty to refer to people of higher status but below "His Excellency"
Seonsaeng : Commonly translated as "Teacher", has much more formality and is used to show respect to the addressee.
Ssi : A formal way of addressing someone you do not know or are unfamiliar with
Nuna : A friendly way of addressing an older woman near your age if you're a guy
Hyung : A friendly way of addressing an older man near your age if you're a guy
Unni : A friendly way of addressing an older woman near your age if you're a girl
Oppa : A friendly way of addressing an older man near your age if you're a girl
Ajumma : Older woman typically aged between mid/late 30's - early 50's. Calling someone younger than mid 30's this is rather offensive
Ajussi : Older man typically aged between mid/late 30's - early 50's. Korean men, especially those in their 30's , prefer to be called hyung / oppa by those younger than him rather than Ajussi
Sunbae : Used to address senior colleagues or mentor figure, e.g. students referring to or addressing more senior students
Hubae : Used to refer to juniors.
Naeuri : Was used by commoners in the Joseon Dynasty to refer to people of higher status but below "His Excellency"
Seonsaeng : Commonly translated as "Teacher", has much more formality and is used to show respect to the addressee.
Senin, 05 November 2012
Green Canyon (English Language)
(Green Canyon) |
This amazing attraction is actually a flow of the river Cijulang passing through the cave full of beauty and charm of it's stalaktif and stalagmite. Moreover this area also flanked by two hills, as well with many rocks and grove of trees. Everything was formed as a natural painting is so unique and so challenging to discover.
Green Canyon (Bahasa Indonesia)
(Green Canyon) |
Objek wisata mengagumkan ini sebenarnya merupakan aliran dari sungai Cijulang yang melintas menembus gua yang penuh dengan keindahan pesona stalaktif dan stalakmitnya. Selain itu daerah ini juga diapit oleh dua bukit, juga dengan banyaknya bebatuan dan rerimbunan pepohonan. Semuanya itu membentuk seperti suatu lukisan alam yang begitu unik dan begitu menantang untuk dijelajahi.
Kamis, 01 November 2012
Muse (English Language)
Muse have released six albums recorded as follows:
- Showbiz (1999)
- Origin of Symmetry (2001)
- Absolution (2003)
- Black Holes & Revelations (2006)
- The Resistance (2009)
- The 2nd Law (2012)
Muse have won many awards, which in total accounted for 36 awards from 97 nominations.
Muse (Bahasa Indonesia)
(Personil Muse) |
Muse telah merilis enam album rekaman yaitu :
- Showbiz (1999)
- Origin of Symmetry (2001)
- Absolution (2003)
- Black Holes & Revelations (2006)
- The Resistance (2009)
- The 2nd Law (2012)
Muse telah memenangkan banyak penghargaan, yang keseluruhannya berjumlah 36 penghargaan dari 97 nominasi.
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