Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Anime (English Language)

      Anime (アニメ) is the absorption of the word "Animation". Anime is a Japanese term for animation. Although the anime is basically not meant specifically for Japanese animation, but most people use the word to distinguish between animated films made ​​in Japan and non-Japanese.
      History of animation work done in Japan beginning with First Experiments in Animation by Bokoten Shimokawa, Koichi Junichi, and Kitayama Seitaro in 1913. Then followed a short film works Oten Shimokawa, titled Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki were completed in 1917 and is the first anime, but still a "silent movie".
(Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki)
      In 1927, the United States managed to create animations by using sound (just background music). Japan then follow the steps, and the first anime to use the sound of music is Kujira, Ofuji Noburo's work. While the first anime that "talk" is titled kuro Nyago a duration of 90 second.

(Kuro Nyago)
      Until the 1960's, anime on television are geared mostly for children. New changes started to occur in the era of the 1970s. Lupin Sensei's anime, called Monkey Punch became anime intended for mature audiences by presenting adult humor and slapstick violence.
Entering the era of the 1980s, anime increasingly popular and more film producers are trying to meet the wishes of the people. This growth is further supported by the emergence of a video cassette media. With the VCR technology, people can obtain their favorite anime in the form of video. It is then encouraged the emergence of an anime version of the video that are sold directly to the public without having first aired on television or known as the OVA (Original Video Animation).

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